Is It Time For a WMS?
Top Three Questions to Ask
Say your company, warehouse or distribution center has enjoyed several
years of positive revenue growth, your staffing has increased accordingly,
and you think your customers are happy. However, you find yourself
drowning in paperwork, your legacy business processes can't keep up with
rising customer expectations, you suspect that your warehouse workers are
inefficient and you spend countless hours trying to track down missing
inventory. If this describes your current situation, it may be time to consider
deploying a warehouse management system (WMS).
You've probably thought about investing in a WMS before now, but it
might have seemed like it would require an overly complicated analysis due
to the many questions that needed to be asked and answered before
talking to vendors. Take a deep breath and keep reading, as here are the
top three questions that should be considered to best determine whether
it's time to invest in the WMS.
1) Is your warehouse costing you (and your company) money?
Although there are many more questions that could be asked, this is
arguably the most important one. If your warehouse is having a negative
impact on your bottom line, your problems may run deeper than
inefficiencies alone.