
The Wholesaler: 5 Tips for Deploying a WMS Across Branches

Advice from true warehouse experts

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76 OCTOBER 2024 l The Wholesaler l PHCPpros.com 5 Tips for Deploying a WMS Across Branches MANAGING WAREHOUSE OPERATIONS across multiple branches in the HVAC distribution industry presents unique challenges. Fortunately, a warehouse management system (WMS) can stream- line processes across branch locations by providing real-time visibility into in- ventory levels, optimizing storage space, and facilitating eff icient order picking, packing and shipping processes. However, deploying a WMS can feel like a roller coaster ride with its fair share of ups and downs. Two signifi cant HVAC suppliers, Min- gledorff 's and Hercules Industries, have successfully completed this ride without throwing their hands in the air. The les- sons they learned may help other distrib- utors facing similar challenges. With an aggressive plan in place, Hercules ramped up 20 locations in two years, while Mingle- dorff 's had its WMS up and running in 35 locations in only nine months. Here are fi ve tips from their experience to ensure a smooth WMS rollout across doz- ens of branch locations in multiple states. 1 Defi ne Project Objectives and Timelines Before embarking on a WMS rollout (even at a single location), HVAC distributors should conduct a thorough assessment of current operations. Analyze each branch's specifi c requirements, workfl ow chal- lenges and pain points. This evaluation will provide a clear understanding of how the WMS can improve eff iciency and align with business goals. Start by creating a detailed project plan that outlines specifi c objectives, timelines, resource allocation and bud- getary considerations. Evaluate each and establish a realistic implementation schedule that factors in suff icient time for training employees on the new system. This fi rst step was especially important for Mingledorff 's as each location also functions as a retail storefront. It needed to identify a solution that would integrate seamlessly with its Infor SX.e enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Hercules needed to account for similar challenges when implementing a WMS system across branches. As Hercules chief fi nancial off icer Dan Luzietti notes, "We changed the pro- gramming in our ERP to complement our workfl ow, rather than take the program and modify our workfl ow to best comple- ment it." This level of detailed planning was critical when it came to evaluating various WMS alternatives. 2 Engage Key Stakeholders Early HVAC distributors must involve key stakeholders at all levels to get buy-in to better ensure a successful implementation. One strategy is to establish a cross-func- tional project team consisting of ware- house managers, shi supervisors and frontline workers. This team can provide valuable insights, identify pain points and champion the implementation process. Additionally, it is important to address potential resistance to change by pro- moting a transparent communication channel, actively listening to employee concerns and providing suff icient training and support throughout the transition. Sean Wallace, head of the Business Systems Group at Mingledorff 's, speaking to New Equipment Digest, noted that it would be most successful to roll out multiple branches at once by "handing off responsibility to the operations man- ager in each district." Wallace discovered that the distributor's aggressive rollout "couldn't have been achieved without ev- eryone's buy-in from the top down." Similarly, Hercules found employees stepped up to become champions in their warehouses. "This helped from a credibility standpoint because it was a warehouse lead implementing the sys- tem, rather than someone in IT or fi nance telling everyone they need to do this," Luzietti shares. Consider the experiences of distributors Mingledorff 's and Hercules Industries to gain valuable insights of a warehouse management system rollout without the roller coaster ups and downs. BY ERIC ALLAIS WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Hercules Industries deployed its warehouse management system to 20 branch locations in two years. It used the advanced inventory metrics of its WMS to track and supplement the company's replenishment strategy, giving the distributor valuable insights to adjust inventory levels for every product at each location. Photo credit: Hercules Industries

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