PathGuide Technologies • 22745 29
Drive SE, Suite #150, Bothell, WA 98021 • PH: 425-438-2899 • TF: 888-627-9797 •
Let's say you've been in business for nearly 40 years, or maybe
Because our world is
becoming increasingly
automated, the mistakes
you make leave
customers questioning
your commitment to
their business.
you've inherited a family-owned business. Things are good, great
even. You're making a healthy profit and take care of your
employees, and they're seemingly happy to work for you. Sure, the
latest labor crunch has been a challenge, and supply chain strains
over the past couple of years have caused more than a few
headaches, but you've survived one of the most challenging
business climates of the past century, so you have the resolve to
maintain a positive outlook for the future of your business!